...A black death aberration...

Manifested as a solitary excursion in 2003, Drakul has voraciously slain the battered eardrums of the Pacific Northwest since 2006 & maintains it’s ominous presence within the grounds of Everett, Washington.Drakul has co-created a significantly destructive experience on stage with national as well international bands, billed alongside the evil graces of extreme metal acts such as; Cattle Decapitation, Hate, Watain, Absu, Mayhem, Ceremonial Castings, & Sothis, among others.

The black death aberration cult of vile perpetuation is…

:: Imperator ::Executioner’s Axe & Diabolical Ravings of Wantonly Sadistic Madness:: Astarothh ::Lykaoness Howls of Carnivorous Seduction, Vulcanite Axes Forged from the blackest Night:: Tempestus ::Turbulent Lunar Bellows of Blast, Incessant Flailings:: W.B. ::Subterranean Thunder of the Deep Below, Digital Carcinogenic Blasphemy

Miscreants of Lust & Perversity

Out now on Bandcamp
and major streaming services